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Tanesha's Water - Not only a Fashion Stylist but A Lifestyle Specialist


I just launched my new website @!  Check it out, sign up for the newsletter, and get your hands on some Kangen Water!  I’m giving away free samples, so let me know if you want some* 

Thanks for your support,

Kangen Water® - Change your water, change your life!    The Human body

Why Should You Drink Water?

You have probably heard that water makes up over 70% of the body, right? Water is part of all body fluids and is vital to the proper function of the body’s organ systems. It should be obvious then that the quality of the water you drink is extremely important. For your body to be at optimal health, you should drink only the purest and cleanest water possible.
Consider these interesting facts about water:
  • Two-thirds of Americans do not drink the recommended 8-10 glasses of water daily.
  • Continual loss of water from the body can slow down the metabolic rate by as much as 3%.
  • Over one-third of North Americans have suppressed their thirst mechanism to the point where it is often misinterpreted as hunger.
  • The number one reason for daytime sleepiness and low energy is water loss.
  • By the time a person feels thirsty, his or her body has lost 1-3% of its total water amount, which can affect memory and the ability to concentrate.
  • Water naturally moisturizes skin from the inside out, giving you a fresh looking complexion and a beautiful glow.
  • Water naturally carries more substances than any other liquid found on Earth, including vitamins, minerals and nutrients.
Kangen Water - Change your water, change your life! 

Drink Kangen Water®!

It is clear that drinking water is paramount for a body that functions at a healthy level. Some common sources of drinking water found in city water systems, wells and even springs may contain chemicals like chlorine, fluoride, pesticides and more. Despite their use, these chemicals are not good for the body.

Avoid the worry and drink Kangen Water® for optimal hydration!
Alkaline and ionized Kangen Water® offers a better alternative. When your body is at optimal health, the negative factors that are a result of our cultural lifestyle can easily be filtered out. Kangen Water® provides a positive alkaline environment and is filled with only the good things that nature has designed for well-being. We recommend you drink at least 8-10 glasses of Kangen Water® a day.
Kangen Water® is not only clean and pure; it is also filled with life enhancing minerals! Enjoy this alkaline water every day, and discover the advantages of smart and optimal-hydration.
With its hydration ability, and mineral enriched great taste, Kangen Water® is a better choice for a healthy and active body! What could be more important? After all, your body needs more water.
Get your Kangen Water System TODAY!

Get Your Kangen Water® System TODAY!

The Kangen Alkaline Ionized Water System is compact and easy to install in any home or office. It will conveniently transform your tap water into healthy, balanced water that is perfect for your lifestyle and your wellness goals. 

Tanesha and Husan Thompson
Enagic Independent Distributors #7273584
Los Angeles, CA
To learn how Kangen Water can help make your life more GREEN, visit:

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