MAY 28, 2013
6:30 am
Woken up by a shower of kisses from my love. Roll out of bed. Drink
some Kangen Water, let it flow and clean out the pipes. Lastly, freshen
the breath with a good whitening toothpaste.
7:00 am
Touch bases with my east coast contacts, before their days get too
hectic. It is so important for someone in my position to be bi-coastal,
and inter-continental.
7:30 am Get
my P90X workout in. It’s tough, but we gotta keep it tight at every
age. It doesn’t matter how nice your wardrobe is if you don’t look good
in it.
8:30 am
Shower and meditate. I take this time to repeat my daily mantra at
least twice. The shower tends to be the quietest, most serene place to
commit to my ritual daily.
9:30 am
Ultra-violet light treatment. This is one of my beauty secrets. I
hold this light to my face for 30 minutes at a time, twice a day. It
regenerates skin cells, kills acne causing bacteria, and keeps wrinkles
at bay. I’ve been using it for 6 months and I swear by it.
10:00 am
Get dressed and ready to run errands. It’s my first business day back
from our Bahamas vacation, so checks need to be deposited into the
bank, the rent needs to be paid, and I have to get supplies for my work
12:00 pm
Head out to do Kangen demonstrations for my neighboring rehabilitation
centers. They might say “no,” but I at least want to give them the
1:30 pm Time for a healthy lunch...Fresh, organic, homemade smoothie (kale, carrots, blueberries, bananas, and juice!)
2:30 pm Book Writing...working on the Hash Bar Diaries. I’m hoping to be ready for print by the end of the year.
3:30 pm Meeting with Venus Leone. She has some ideas to share with me about Goddess Image, and how to take it to the next level.
4:30 pm Book Writing... it’s a daily process.
6:00 pm
Bonding time with the husband. This is by far my favorite time of
day. We usually prepare food together, talk about our business
successes and challenges, and reconnect in the middle of a chaotic
8:30 pm
Back in the office. Time to shut it down. I close out any open
documents I was working on. Organize my desk and studio, so it’s a
fresh start in the morning.
9:30 pm
I’m exhausted. I usually stay up way past midnight, but I’m still on
east coast time. I grab my book, find my comfy spot in bed, let the day
go, and say “Night night.”
Teenalane Productions 

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